

Antikristo is one of the oldest and most unique techniques of cooking meat. Traced as far back in time, as the ancient times of Homer’s Iliad, Antikristo is a traditional way Of cooking that can be found in different parts of the world but is deeply rooted in Cretan culture.

It has been so popular, because it does not require too much time, preparation, or ingredients. The procedure Of cooking Antikristo almost reminds us of a ritual.

To make Antikristo, the cook will typically use a young lamb or in some rare occasions, a goat. The animal is cut up in four, seasoned with salt, and passed through huge wooden skewers that are later on placed around the fire.

According to historical texts, the soldiers and warriors in ancient times would use their spears instead of wooden skewers. Traditionally, the youngest shepherd would dig a hole in the ground and prepare the fire before carefully resting the skewers around the fire.

The pieces of meat are placed in a circle like formation around the fire, in contrast to bequing as we know it. This allows the meat to be cooked with the heat produced by the flames, rather than the heat generated from the coal.

In Greek, “antikrista” literally means opposite to each other and this is where the name Antikristo derives from.

Nowadays, the meat is slow-cooked for 4-6 hours and experienced cooks are always looking after it. Of course, now, before being cooked, the meat is usually marinated or seasoned.

What makes Antikristo such a unique way of grilling meat is that the slow grilling means that the lamb is given enough time to secrete all of its juices and develop many different flavors.